The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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PRODUCTS.DOC rev. 3/'93
(List of support sites, product descriptions, volume discounts,
and site license information are in this file. Vendors and BBS
Sysops--look in VENDOR.DOC for catalog descriptions and
distribution license.)
All of the products below may be purchased directly from the
author: Science Translations
Jerry Stern
P. O. Box 20234
Baltimore, Maryland 21284-0234
Jerry Stern can also be reached at:
Internet: JLSTERN@DELPHI.COM GEnie: J.Stern10
Visa/Mastercard registration: (410) 661-2224 (Voice & FAX)
Registration payments may be made in US funds at the prices noted
below for each package, and International registration options
are available, including MasterCard and Visa. Add $2. shipping
outside the U.S. and Canada. See the file REGISTER.DOC for an
invoice/order form.
Checks drawn on banks in some countries are accepted as payment--
please ask your local bank what the current exchange rate is for
buying US dollars, and convert accordingly.
(The list is subject to change, and additional countries will be
added--if in doubt, write or FAX first.)
ALL countries may use Visa or Mastercard, International Postal
Money Orders, or American Express Money Orders valued in US
There is on-line technical support available for all SciTrans
products on GEnie, in the WordPerfect RT. Type WP at any prompt,
set Category 14 (Third-Party Support), and read Topic 13.
Evaluation copies of all SciTrans products are available--search
the WP library for uploader name J.Stern10 or browse areas 6 and
The latest evaluation versions of all Science Translations
products are available for free first-time caller download, and
on-line registration by Visa or MasterCard is available at:
Rosedale Data Line BBS--410-866-4554 (USR-DS v.32bis, v.42bis HST
16.8k, 4 lines). From Main Menu, enter "join scitrans" to reach
the SciTrans conference. For the most recent listing of all
SciTrans products (this file), download SCITRANS.ZIP. Rosedale
Data Line provides downloading access to over 60,000 quality
files with membership. Download SUPPORT.DOC for complete details.
- 2 - Products.Doc -
(Listing 1.0, revised 01/14/93 by Richard Holler)
In an effort to make it easier for you to obtain your favorite
software, the latest updates of many ASP-authored programs can
be found on the BBSs listed below. These BBSs are members of
the ASP Hub Network (AHN).
Zone 1 - East Coast USA
North-East Coast Mid-East Coast
[Site #1] [Site #2]
The Consultant BBS The Break RBBS <East>
Jay Caplan Bruce Jackson
P.O. Box 8571 4660 Whitaker PL
New York NY 10116-4655 Dale City, VA 22193-3011
Data1) 718-837-3236 Data1) 703-680-9269
Data2) 703-551-0000
Zone 2 - North Mid-USA Zone 3 - Southern Mid-USA
[Site #3] [Site #4]
The Twilight Zone The DataExchange BBS
John Hrusovszky Don Morris
1119 E. Main St 119 Herring St.
Auburndale, WI 54412 Leesville, LA 71446
Data1) 715-652-2758 Data1) 318-239-2122
Zone 4 - West Coast USA
[Site #5] [Site #6]
Attention to Details BBS Space BBS
Clint Bradford Owen Hawkins
5085 Trail Canyon Dr PO Box X
Mira Loma CA 91752 Menlo Park, CA 94026
Data1) 909-681-6221 Data1) 415-323-4398 (ASP Files)
Data2) 415-323-4193 (Other Files)
Zone 5 - Canada These BBSs are bound by
[Site #7] special agreement with the
Knightec BBS ASP. In the case of a dispute
Phil Knight contact the ASP Ombudsman.
35 Robb Blvd #6
Orangeville, ONT L9W 3L1
Data1) 519-940-0007
- 3 - Products.Doc -
and GRAPHCAT for WP/Windows, V. 1.0 GCATWPW1.*
GRAPHCAT is a set of macro packages for WordPerfect 5.1(DOS) and
5.2(Windows). The DOS version requires the 6/90 release or newer
of WP 5.1. The macros can read any directory and create a
pictorial catalog of the graphics files they find. All graphics
file formats supported by WordPerfect can be inventoried and
cataloged by GRAPHCAT. The default choices create a catalog in
four columns, with each image 1" tall (28 images per page), but
height and columns may be chosen manually.
NEW in DOS version 2.1: DOS Wild Cards are supported for the
extension name. INDX4DOS provides the features of INDEX for users
of 4DOS and NDOS.
NEW in WINDOWS version 1.0: In addition to the features of the
DOS version, Graphcat for Windows allows DOS wild cards for
choosing the file names to be cataloged, not just for the
extension name. Windows BMP files can be cataloged, and there is
now a default choice for the catalog name of "Clip Art in " and
the name of the file area that was searched.
Registration of either GRAPHCAT shareware package is $10.
Registered users receive a bonus disk of Wood Clips graphics,
notification of discounted updates, and technical support as
needed for at least one year. The clip art bonuses are different
for each package.
and THE LETTERHEAD KIT for WP/Windows, V. 2.1 LTRWIN21.*
The Letterhead Kit is a set of macros, forms, graphics, and
sample files for using in WordPerfect 5.1(DOS) and 5.2(Windows)
for creating a letterhead blank form, invoice, and fax
transmittal/cover sheet. Also included are the PAYME, SHIPME, and
LABELME macros, which will add payment request graphic messages,
shipping instructions, or general office information to any
document. Messages include "Your payment will be greatly
appreciated," "Next Day Air," and "Confidential."
NEW in version 2.0/2.1: Letterheads and graphics may be shared
with the Windows version of the Letterhead Kit. The PAYME macro
from version 1.0 has been joined by the new SHIPME and LABELME
macros, for a total of thirty graphic messages.
Also NEW: A scanned signature can be added to documents with the
SIGN macro. The HELP! macro in the DOS version allows choosing
among all the macros. In the Windows version, a button bar
- 4 - Products.Doc -
provides the choice, and the HELP! macro provides quick reference
and the option to install the macros on the macro menu.
The Windows version of the Letterhead Kit 2.1 requires
WordPerfect for Windows, version 5.2 or 5.1. 5.1 requires interim
release of 4/30/92 or later.
Registration of either Letterhead Kit shareware package is $10.
Registered users receive a quick reference sheet and visual index
to the PAYME macros, a bonus disk of additional letterheads,
notification of discounted updates, and technical support as
needed for at least one year. The bonus disks are different in
each edition, but usable in both. The quick reference form is the
same for both packages.
and BOOKBILD for WP/Windows, V. 1.0 BOOKWIN1.*
BOOKBILD is a set of macro packages for WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS),
and 5.2(Windows). The macros build pamphlets from formatted text
files. Any two-across format can be used, in either portrait or
landscape mode. Pages are rearranged into the order needed to
create camera-ready copy for bulk printing.
Registration of either Bookbild shareware package is $10.
Registered users receive a bonus disk of Book Bats clip art
images, notification of discounted updates, and technical support
as needed for at least one year. The clip art bonuses are
different for each package, but both can be used with either
(Ideal for Letterhead Kit Users)
Include art to be scanned at 400 d.p.i., on white non-textured
paper, preferably a larger version than you will use in your
letterhead. For signatures, use a black fine point felt-tip pen,
and sign several times, a few inches apart--I will send the
version that scans best. Do NOT use pencil. Each image or
signature costs $5.00. No color or photographs.
Wood Clips Graphics Collection
These graphics, in WPG format, are scanned 400 d.p.i. images of
wood cut engravings from the nineteenth century, and older. Each
disk holds up to 700K of bitmapped images (sent as a compressed
- 5 - Products.Doc -
file for 360K disks), and sorted by topic. More collections will
be added; write for additional topics. Each image is only
available in one set--there are no repeats. No file names repeat,
so any set may be copied together with any other, and all file
names are descriptive--no codes. None of these images is
available elsewhere.
The images included as samples in all SciTrans packages and
bonuses are from the Wood Clips collection. (However, those
images are NOT repeated on the disks below.)
Each disk costs $5.00, and are available only to registered users
of any Science Translations shareware product. Wood Clips are not
shareware. Formats other than WPG are available by special
request for $1.00 additional per set.
101-Animals 1
14 files, 617K of images.
Includes caribou, cow, donkey, goat, 5 horses, owl, 2 peacocks,
unicorn, and vulture.
102-Animals 2
15 files, 678K of images.
Includes boar, bull, chicken, deer, 3 elephants, fish, hedgehog,
2 horses, peacock, rooster, sheep, and zebra.
103-Buildings 1
8 files, 699K of images.
Includes 4 cottages, library, print shop, 2 stores.
104-People 1
12 files, 681K of images.
Includes cook, drunkard, 3 flower girls, herald, 2 jesters, 2
silhouettes, soldier, young girl.
105-Plants 1
19 files, 671K of images.
Includes a variety of bouquets, garlands, and trees, as well as
tulips, poppy, and daisy.
106-Myths 1
12 files, 589K of images.
Includes chimera, 3 dragons, 3 griffins, 2 medusas, 2 sphinxes,
and unicorn.
107-Animals 3
13 files, 544K of images.
Includes bird, 2 butterflies, horse, 7 lions, and ram.
108-Animals 4
20 files, 651K of images.
- 6 - Products.Doc -
Includes 8 birds, cattle, cheetah, goat, 5 insects, lion, rabbit,
fish, and workhorse
109-People 2
32 files, 719K of images.
Includes mostly smaller images of gentlemen, ladies, Franklin
Volume Discounts
All Science Translations shareware products.
Different products may be combined for discounts. All materials
normally provided to individual registered users are supplied for
each computer station.
# of copies Price per copy
5 to 25 $ 9.00
26 to 50 $ 8.00
51 to 99 $ 7.00
100 and above $ 6.00
Wood Clips For each range, one-half of the amount listed for
the programs above.
Site Licenses
Site licenses include support services as provided to individual
registered users, through a designated contact person or network
administrator, or their immediate staff. Quick reference sheets
are included for each Letterhead Kit user, and permission to
create additional copies of the reference sheets, for in-house
use only, will be granted. A custom version of the product with
the organization's name, and "Registered Version: For On-Site Use
Only" will be provided. A shareware version of the product will
be provided as well, and permission to distribute the shareware
version to employees for personal use will be granted.
Review copies of all new Science Translations shareware products
are sent at no charge to the designated contact person. Site
licenses for each product include both DOS and Windows versions.
All Shareware Packages Listed Above
# of Users Price
up to 50 $ 250.00
up to 100 $ 450.00
up to 250 $ 1000.00
up to 500 $ 1500.00
unlimited at one site $ 2000.00
Wood Clips For each collection, one-half of the
amount listed for shareware programs.